To help protect our people, projects and communities, everyone must follow covid secure measures at all our sites, offices and depots. All sites have covid-19 marshals and project controls in place. We all have a role to play, so visitors and employees should review the below guidance before they go to a Murphy location or site.


Check the the Health Check Declaration before you leave home. If you or anyone in your household or bubble has symptoms stay at home and book an NHS Test. 

You will have to show an NHS text message or email to prove that you have had a negative lateral flow test within 48 hours. You can order these for free from the UK Gov website or pick up from local collection points. If you test positive you should self-isolate and book an NHS test. 

All of our sites have antigen rapid testing in place twice a week. If you test positive after one of these you should self-isolate and book an NHS test. There is asymptomatic testing available through your local authority. 



Please watch this video and read the booklet before arrival. There will also be site specific induction by your covid-19 marshal too. 




Here is a at a glance reminder of the key covid secure measures we should be taking including social distancing, hygiene and personal contacts. 


If you carry out a site based role your team must also consider a sensible pattern of work that introduces social distancing where possible whilst maintaining the safe and effective operation of the project. You should also take into consideration people’s personal circumstances.

This will also vary from project to project but could include such things as:

  • staggering lunch breaks
  • increased hygiene regimes
  • wash your hands at regular intervals especially before you eat and as you enter and exit a site 
  • try not to touch your face or eyes unless you have clean hands
  • keep places of work clean and tidy
  • other than fire doors, wedge open doors to avoid contact with handles
  • where possible, open windows to allow air to circulate
  • Use appropriate PPE on site
  • Making sure PPE is in good condition

What do we tell drivers who are making deliveries to sites? Here is a briefing you can share with drivers making deliveries to sites. This has also been sent by SHES to all sites and procurement teams are briefing our suppliers and subcontractors. 

If a team share a van to go from site to site, they can continue to do so if nobody is showing any symptoms or been in contact with someone who has been diagnosed with covid-19. Please keep your vehicle clean, stay in your teams with the same person driving wherever possible and wash your hands regularly.

If you are on a project  where you have to go into people’s homes. You should make sure that you have your PPE and that it is in good condition. Before entering the home, you should check that no-one in a high risk category has been in the property. This would include anyone who is self-isolating because they have:

  • tested positive for coronavirus;
  • has a new continuous cough or a high temperature;
  • has a household member who is displaying symptoms;
  • has recently returned from a high risk area; or
  • has been in close contact with someone who has tested positive for coronavirus or has symptoms.

If they have not, you can carry on at work as normal. Wash your hands or use hand sanitiser before entering and immediately after leaving the property. If they answer yes to any of the above questions, you should not enter the property. Please speak to your line manager for further advice

Some of our employees work away from home and need to use hotels and eat in restaurants etc how do we do this? There are a variety of ways to address this, for example: 

  • Ask for and check the guidance of the hotel management where you are staying. Most places, like us, will be doing more regular cleaning of shared facilities – and have social distancing measures in place
  • The first thing you should do when you enter a new place – whether at work or off hours – is wash your hands with soap and water
  • If possible use the hotel room service; get food from your local shops or get a delivery
  • Keep 2m apart from hotel employees, other guests and even your own team
  • Try not to use shared objects e.g. pens to sign into reception. Keep your own one on you.


This video is for internal use only and shouldn't be shared on social media.



Social distancing measures are in place in our offices, depots and sites. All offices have reduced capacity. You should work from home, where possible. When in an office or depot all social distancing measures must be followed, for example:  

  • Where it is possible to do so work from home
  • If you have to come into the office, then you have to book a desk ideally 48 hours before you arrive and get permission from your line manager
  • Avoid public transport
  • Bring your own crockery (mugs, plates) and food in
  • Your temperature will be checked and you will have to complete a short medical questionnaire
  • Wash your hands as soon as you enter the building
  • Keep 2m distance from colleagues in all areas
  • Wear a mask in communal areas to help prevent the spread of coronavirus
  • Avoid going to the shops at lunchtime

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