Triton Knoll is an offshore windfarm located off the East Lincolnshire coast. The wind farm comprises 90 turbines and is positioned approx. 50km off the landfall location near Anderby Creek. Once finished, it will be capable of generating up to 857MW, which is enough to power over 800,000 UK homes.
We are installing the cables that make up the onshore cable route. This is a 57km twin 220kV circuit that makes landfall near Anderby Creek and ends at the new substation south of Boston, adjacent to National Grid Bicker Fen. The cable route is situated in prime agricultural land in Lincolnshire, with a number of significant infrastructure and landmark crossings throughout the route. The cable route consists of multiple, jointed cable sections and over 140 separate directional drill crossings.
We were the first contractor to successfully discharge a DCO (Development Consent Order) Requirement on the Triton Knoll project. It took 12 months for the DCO Requirements to be completely discharged.
One of the main challenges has been the logistical planning of the project, as it covers such a large distance. As the cable route is 57km, it takes over an hour to drive from one end to the other. The prescribed construction traffic management plan also meant that there were site access restrictions.
As we worked on prime agricultural land, we employed a dedicated ALO (Agricultural Liaison Officer) and land management team. This was because we needed to comply with the land agreements, DCO Requirements and support landowners in general.
The vast project programme needs to be delivered in a short period of time. It is taking a great amount of planning and resources to complete the works during the contract period.
On this project, we have applied our previous knowledge and experience in delivering linear cross-country schemes. We have also used existing resources, assets (plant and equipment) and management teams to deliver the works.
We have used new tools and equipment and modified our existing assets so that we can effectively deliver such a large infrastructure project
Our engineers have visited local schools and colleges in the area, including Sibsey Primary School and Boston College, to help them learn more about offshore wind and our ongoing construction work. We have engaged with the local community to help educate them on the future of sustainable energy and to encourage them to consider a career in engineering.
We have carried out a range of small and large sustainability activities. We have introduced re-use schemes, such as providing HDD duct cap ends and cable protection tiles to suppliers. We have teamed up with a local charity, Evergreens Miniature Railway club, to donate timber slats from cable drums, which can be re-used for flower beds and fencing.
We have re-sequenced our programme to minimise our impact on ecologically important habitats and species, protecting water voles, great crested newts, badgers and nesting birds.
We are using Geobind, which treats soil to form a solid membrane that replaces regular haul roads and requires a reduced aggregate quantity. We are also using new hybrid plant, which uses 50% less fuel than conventional machines, for topsoil stripping, trenching and duct installation.