These projects involve the installation of the onshore cable ducts which connect the landfall site in Redcar to the HVDC Onshore Converter station, approximately 7km in length. Work includes the detailed engineering and design for the civil works, ecological management, civil infrastructure installation and the engineering and installation of multiple asset crossing - the include Network Rail, underground utilities and highways.
With the recent completion of the horizontal directional drilling (HDD) crossings and the substantial completion of the open cut ducting, we have just commenced the Network Rail undertrack crossing tunnelling element of the works which will house the HVDC cable for both Sofia and Dogger Bank C. The tunnelling works are due to be completed in June 2023 and consist of four 12 to 17m deep tunnels passing under a railway bridge, plus eight shafts. The 1,200mm pope jack micro-tunnels have drive lengths between 107 and 150m.
One operational, these two offshore wind projects will generate enough green power to supply all of the North East's electricity needs every year.