Tottenham Court Road
As part of the Crossrail Station construction,...
Learn moreBAM Construction employed Murphy to complete security installation and hard landscaping at the Curtis Green Building, the relocated New Scotland Yard.
The project was divided into two zones, security and yorkstone repaving works on TFL owned land along Victoria Embankment, and granite and porphyry paving works within the footprint of the property. The granite and porphyry was arranged in bands varying from one course to four courses in width. The architect, AHMM,
working alongside the landscape designer, Gillespie, chose this pattern in order to mimic the architecture of the adjacent Parliamentary Estates buildings.
The project borders the Ministry of Defence where Murphy carried out security installation and paving works until July 2017.
Being in a highly congested area, storage space on site and logistics was a challenge.
The client relied on Murphy's past experience and relationship with key stakeholders in order to plan, submit notifications and gain approval for the works along Victoria Embankment. The northbound lane was closed in order to allow sufficient working room to complete the security installation along the edge of the carriageway. Coach bays on the opposite side of the road were suspended and Traffic Management installed in order to maintain two way traffic past the work area.
Large material orders were delivered into Kentish Town yard and brought to site on a ‘just in time’ basis. Deliveries direct were booked in with the client at least 24 hours in advance to ensure space was available on site to receive the vehicle as only one drop off point was provided. Regular liaison with suppliers was important in order to time deliveries to ensure space was available both on site and in Kentish Town. This was a particular challenge for long lead time items such as the granite stone, which was shipped from China.
The other significant challenge involved existing services and tree roots. The shallow mount type bollards (pictured above) with steel base plates were selected in order to reduce excavation depth for the majority of the site. Higher rated deep bollards with a reinforced concrete foundation were specified where the additional construction depth was achievable and on radius sections where hostile vehicles can potentially reach higher impact speeds. Trial holes were carried out early on in the project and survey data provided to security consultant MFD and bollard supplier ATG to enable them to complete their design. Tree roots were carefully
exposed and covered with dampened Terram during the works.
Unfortunately, one tree had to be removed as its roots were identified as too high in the ground and pruning would have severely compromised its long term integrity. The site team assisted in excavating a new tree pit and a replacement tree was planted following completion of the paving.
The Urban Infrastructure team completes projects that involve hard landscaping, utilities and drainage upgrades, the construction of new roads, the installation of street furniture and other public realm work.