
This winter, in lieu of Christmas parties, we will be donating £100,000 amongst 20 foodbanks local to our projects and offices in the UK (Trussell Trust) and Ireland with the hope of providing some Christmas cheer to those most in need.

With our company’s purpose to 'improve life by delivering world-class infrastructure' this extends to supporting the communities in which we work.
We are very pleased that we are fortunate enough to be able to make this donation and sincerely hope that it makes a difference to those in hardship this Christmas.

In addition to this donation, a big thank you to our project and office locations who have also been collecting donations of food and toys from employees and our supply chain partners to support other local charities.

This includes our office in Golborne who have held a raffle raising £600 of funds to buy food for The Brick charity and toys for Compassion in Action.

In Ollerton, our team has arranged a food collection to support the Lifespring Centre and Community Action Project helping families within the local area.

In Leeds, the team is donating food hampers to St George’s Crypt for the homeless as well as to local families in need.

In Cannock our teams are collecting food for Cannock District Food Bank and supporting animal charity CAARS Rescue with a collection of blankets and toys.

Whilst in London, our Kentish Town team and suppliers have collected food, toiletries and toys to be shared between Kentish Town Community Centre and the Camden New Journal Hamper Appeal.

Thank you to everyone for their support and taking part.

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