If you are diagnosed with the coronavirus or need to self-isolate after travelling to a high-risk area or being in close contact with someone who has a confirmed diagnosis, then it is important that you report it so that we can clean your workspace and put in place mitigations if necessary.

  1. Self-isolate  
  2. UK: You should book a test yourself through the NHS website. If you don’t have internet access you can call 119. If you are an essential worker you can book priority testing through the Gov UK website. Or, if you  are in Ireland call HSE Live on 1850 24 1850 
  3. Call your line manager (don't What's app) who can contact your People Business Partner for advice
  4. You or your line manager should use the 2-1-2 reporting system to report a diagnosed case or self-isolation. Please use the Occupational Health option so that your data is protected 

Please remember to keep people’s personal and sensitive information secure.

  • We will review confirmed diagnoses on a case by case basis
  • If you self-isolate, you may be asked for proof of travel to a high risk area


The symptoms of coronavirus are:

  • A new, continuous cough 
  • A high temperature
  • Loss of smell or taste 


If you have symptoms  then you should book an NHS PCR Test. 


Please check the government website as this changes often:

  • People who have tested positive for covid-19, or are waiting for test results
  • If you have received a NHS trace alert
  • People who have a new, continuous cough, high temperature and/or loss of taste and/or smell (7 days in the UK)
  • If you have have been advised by the NHS to self-isolate

Please follow the recommended guidance from the UK government and NHS



  • Wash your hands with soap and water often – do this for at least 20 seconds
  • Always wash your hands when you get home or into work
  • Use hand sanitiser gel if soap and water are not available
  • Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or your sleeve (not your hands) when you cough or sneeze
  • Put used tissues in the bin straight away and wash your hands afterwards
  • Try to avoid close contact with people who are unwell


  • Do not touch your eyes, nose or mouth if your hands are not clean


You should follow the same guidance for people you are caring for as for yourself. If you have elderly relatives or neighbours then please monitor the Age Concern UK website and local community groups (e.g. churches). The advice at the moment is:

  • Stay in touch over the phone, by post, online or by popping over for a chat (assuming the person is allowed to have contact with others, and you take the precautions outlined above)
  • See if people need any shopping or help by running some errands
  • Encourage people to stay active around the house and keep moving

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